The following restrictions are to ensure your skin is in the best possible condition for an amazing microblading procedure.  Please read carefully:
Please do not work out the day of the procedure as the body heat will expand the pores.  Avoid heavy sunlight and especially sunburn 3 days before procedure.  Should not be in process of healing before procedure!

  • Do NOT drink coffee or anything with caffeine the day of procedure.
  •  Do NOT take Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E and/or Ibuprofen, omega-3, unless medically necessary, 48-72 hours prior to the procedure. (Tylenol or acetaminophen is okay!
  •  Do NOT drink alcohol 24 hours before the procedure.
  • Please cancel within 24 hour period if you are sick.

The following treatments should avoided within four weeks of the procedure:

  •  No Botox or other fillers
  •  Chemical Peels
  • Laser treatments

If you have any questions about these restrictions, please give me a call!  I’m happy to help.